Monday, March 8, 2010

Okay, Okay....

Okay, I hope my 12 followers are still following! I have been slacking lately--so sorry. Still waiting for the Indie Project has been a tough one, but I think some ideas are formulating. Will get on it over the next couple of days. It would also help if my stupid cat would stop crapping in my art room. Creativity and cat s*** don't mix! I don't know what I am going to do with her.

In the meantime, I have temporarily returned to my roots--murals! My sweet friend Julie has commissioned me to do some work in her daughters rooms. Here is the first one. Turned out great! Wish you could see the rest of the room--there are some leaves scattered randomly here and there as if blowing in the wind. Simple shapes and color schemes can be so beautiful, don't ya think?


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

OMG, that mural is fabulous!!! You are so very talented!! I wish I could do that!!!

Isn't French Larkspur great?! I'll have to send you some links of some other shops like hers!

It would seem your kitty cat is telling you that tht is HER room, not yours, LOL

Have a wonderful day!!


Myrna said...

Beautiful mural, Rachel! So glad you got an opportunity to paint whilst waiting for the 'other' inspiration! ;-)

Yarni Gras! said...

love that tree....hate the fact that your cat uses your room as a potty!